Rafael Gomez Bombarelli (Rafa)
2021 – Cheah Career Development Chair, Assistant Professor. MIT
2018 – Toyota Career Development Assistant Professor. MIT.
2011 – PhD in Physical Chemistry. Universidad de Salamanca
2006 – Licenciado en Quimica. Universidad de Salamanca
Computer-driven chemical design, molecular engineering, atomistic simulations, deep learning.
Rafa got his undergraduate in Chemistry (2006) and PhD in Physical Chemistry (2011) at Universidad de Salamanca. After that he abandoned the lab (forever?) and did postdoctoral work in quantum biology at Heriot-Watt University with Prof Brendon Lovett (now at St. Andrews) and at Harvard University with Prof Aspuru-Guzik (now at U. Toronto) in high-throughput virtual screening for OLED and battery electrolytes. In 2016 he moved on to industry, to Kyulux North America. There he used Harvard-licensed software to develop commercial OLED materials, before returning to academia in 2018.
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