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Adithya Sreenivasan

Ph.D. Student, Department of Chemical Engineering & Center for Computational Science and Engineering (co-advised by Prof. Connor Coley)

Email: adisr04


2023: B.S. Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin
2023: B.S. Mathematics, The University of Texas at Austin

Background and Research Interests

I’ve previously worked on computational investigations of a number of complex physical systems including colloidal gels, magnetic nanoparticle dispersions, inhomogeneous polymer melts, energetic materials, and nanofluidic systems. I also have experience in software development, having helped build a package for coarse-graining and inverse design with an interface for generalizable molecular simulation protocols. My current research focuses on the development of an end-to-end framework for the representation, simulation, and design of polymer networks to enhance sustainability.


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