Rafael Gómez-Bombarelli
Year of Publication:2022
Repurposing Templates for Zeolite Synthesis from Simulations and Data Mining
Chemistry of Materials,2022
Year of Publication:2022
From Free-Energy Profiles to Activation Free Energies
The Journal of Chemical Physics,vol.157,pp.084113,2022
Year of Publication:2022
Tunable CHA/AEI Zeolite Intergrowths with A Priori Biselective Organic Structure-Directing Agents: Controlling Enrichment and Implications for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx
Angewandte Chemie International Edition,2022
Year of Publication:2022
Learning Matter: Materials Design with Machine Learning and Atomistic Simulations
Accounts of Materials Research,2022
Year of Publication:2022
Year of Publication:2022
Suppression of Rayleigh Scattering in Silica Glass by Codoping Boron and Fluorine: Molecular Dynamics Simulations with Force-Matching and Neural Network Potentials
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C,vol.126(4),pp.2264–2275,2022
Year of Publication:2022
Bottlebrush polymers with flexible enantiomeric side chains display differential biological properties
Nature Chemistry,vol.14,pp.85-93,2022
Year of Publication:2023
Graph theory-based structural analysis on density anomaly of silica glass
Computational Materials Science,vol.225,pp.112190,2023
Year of Publication:2021
Deep Learning Enables Discovery of a Short Nuclear Targeting Peptide for Efficient Delivery of Antisense Oligomers
JACS Au,vol.1(11),pp.2009–2020,2021
Year of Publication:2021
Synthetic Glycomacromolecules of Defined Valency, Absolute Configuration, and Topology Distinguish between Human Lectins
JACS Au,vol.1(10),pp.1621–1630,2021